Cloudways vs Vultr – Which Cloud Hosting Platform Should You Choose?

February 24, 2022


Choosing the right cloud hosting platform is a crucial decision for any business. It can have a significant impact on you and your customers' experience. Cloudways and Vultr are two popular cloud hosting platforms, but how do they compare? In this post, we'll compare Cloudways and Vultr to help guide you in making the right choice for your business needs.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, both Cloudways and Vultr have user-friendly interfaces. Cloudways offers a managed cloud hosting platform with a simplified interface that makes it easy to manage servers without requiring technical knowledge. Vultr, on the other hand, provides a user-friendly interface with easy-to-navigate dashboards.

However, Cloudways takes the lead in this area, with its intuitive platform and support for a wide range of applications.


Performance is critical in cloud hosting platforms, and both Cloudways and Vultr deliver excellent results. Cloudways promises lightning-fast speeds with its optimized servers, while Vultr offers impressive processing power and network speed that ensures an outstanding user experience.

In terms of the global network, Cloudways has a slight edge, with 65 data center locations worldwide compared to Vultr's 17 locations. However, both platforms boast excellent uptime records and reliable redundancy systems.


Pricing is a significant factor for most businesses, and both Cloudways and Vultr offer competitive prices. While Vultr has lower prices, it charges per usage, which can increase expenditures. Meanwhile, Cloudways provides a lesser cost in the long run, with transparent pricing and no hidden charges.

Customer Support

Both Cloudways and Vultr have excellent customer support, with 24/7 live chat, ticket-based support, and online community resources. However, Cloudways offers more comprehensive support tailored for customers' needs, with a dedicated account manager and knowledgeable technical support.


Choosing the right cloud hosting platform can be a daunting task, but comparing Cloudways and Vultr should give you some insights. Cloudways offers a more user-friendly interface, a vast network of data centers, and comprehensive customer support. Meanwhile, Vultr is budget-friendly and delivers high processing power and network speed.

At the end of the day, each platform has its pros and cons, so it boils down to your business needs and budget. Conduct thorough research and consider the information you need, including specific features and requirements, to make an informed decision.


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